
Growing in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

J.I. Packer outlines the differences between faith and belief to help you grow in Christ. While "belief" suggests bare opinion, "faith," whether in a car, a patent medicine, a protégé, a doctor, or a marriage partner, is a matter of treating the person or thing as trustworthy and committing yourself accordingly. The same is true of faith in God, and in a more far-reaching way.

Surprised by Joy, you can observe both these motivations successively. In our doubts, we think we are honest, and certainly try to be; but perfect honesty is beyond us in this world, and an unacknowledged unwillingness to take God’s word about things, whether from deference to supposed scholarship or fear of ridicule or of deep involvement or from some other motive, often underlies a person’s doubt about this or that item of faith. Repeatedly this becomes clear in retrospect, though we could not
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